YearBook | Just Released Publications

Kenya@60 – An Odyssey of Consistency amidst Change

The digital version of the Kenya@60 has been released!
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Yearbook 2023 (Digital Edition)

The digital version of the Yearbook 2023 has been released!
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Youth, ICT and future of work

This is a publication about Youth, ICT and future of work.
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Yearbook 2022 (digital edition)

The digital version of the Yearbook 2022 has been released! Click HERE to read more!  
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Affordable housing

Under the Big Four blueprint, the Government wants to provide at least 500,000 affordable housing units by 2022. The government recognizes that turning the dial on the housing shortage requires a mix of incentives to investors in the housing sector,...
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Manufacturing mini series 2: Apparels and leather

This is the second in a four-book mini-series by the Kenya Yearbook Editorial Board (KYEB), capturing key interventions by the National Government in Manufacturing, which is the first Pillar of the Big 4 Agenda and the Third Medium-Term Plan (MTP...
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Manufacturing mini-series 1: Heavy industries

This is the first in a four-book mini-series by the Kenya Yearbook Editorial Board (KYEB), capturing key interventions by the National Government in Manufacturing, which is the first Pillar of the Big 4 Agenda and the Third Medium-Term Plan (MTP...
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Readers Favourites

  • Affordable housing
    Under the Big Four blueprint, the Government wants to provide at least 500,000 affordable housing units by 2022. The government recognizes that turning the dial on the housing shortage requires a mix of incentives to investors in […]
  • Kenya Yearbook 2021
    Kisumu is not only the historical hub of East African Co-operation; it is also the intellectual incubator of some of the leading ideas behind our liberation movement. The national motto of “Harambee”, even though an import from […]

Latest Articles

Konza Technopolis

Konza Complex at the Konza Technopolis that houses Konza Technopolis Development Authority. Kenya’s first smart city, Konza Technopolis, which is...
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Digital literacy programme

Digital Literacy Programme Mercy Mbatia (left) and Margaret Gatonye (right), interns deployed to Nyandarua under the Ministry of Information, Communication...
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Presidential Digital Talent (DigiTalent)

Cabinet Secretary Joe Mucheru interacts with a youth participating in the Digitalent program. The Digitalent is a Public Private Partnership...
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Trade apparels and leather

Background The Ministry of Industrialisation Trade and Enterprise Development prepared and approved Kenya's first ever comprehensive industrialisation road map, which...
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Tanneries and leather products

The Government has prioritised the leather goods and footwear sector under the Kenya Industrial Transformation Programme (KITP), Kenya Vision 2030...
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Cotton processing and ginning

Background The Cotton, Textile and Apparel (CTA) industry is remains largely labor-intensive and employs both semi-skilled and un-skilled workers and...
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Policy development & implementation

State Department for Industrialisation: Policies and Legal and Regulatory Framework, Special Economic Zones Act 2015  Review of the Special Economic...
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MV Songa Cougar sails into the Port of Lamu on a maiden call. The vessel with a length overall of...
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Projects by government to ensure achievement of manufacturing pillar in the big four agenda

Development of constituency industrial development centres South Pokot Constituency Industrial Development Centre. The centres set up by Micro and Small...
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Hospitality, tourism and wildlife conservation

Local tourists at the Jomo Kenyatta Public Beach in Mombasa, during the 2021 December holiday. The 2021 December holiday was...
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Our diversity, our strength

Masaai dancers join Tourism Cabinet Secretary at the Magical Kenya Tembo Naming Festival at Amboseli National Park. Cultural dances are...
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In Pictures: WRC Safari Rally Day 2, 2022

Top results at the WRC Safari Rally Friday after 7 of 19 stages: 1. Kalle Rovanperä (Toyota) 1:20:58.1 2. Elfyn...
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Apparel manufacturing

Background Kenya has the opportunity to establish a strong domestic and international footprint in textile and apparel manufacturing through the...
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Sovereignty and self-determination

President Uhuru Kenyatta inspecting a guard of honor on Jamhuri day in 2018 dressed in the official military dress known...
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Value addition chain for leather

Key government interventions Kenya Leather Development Council: This is the sector’s main support agency in the Government for public and...
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General elections 2022 updates in pictures

The Maka Water project office polling station in Meru county. Photo: Hilary Mwenda   Voters confirm their names at their...
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Universal health coverage (UHC)

1. KUTRRH in partnership with Operation Ear Drop Kenya carrying out an Ear Screening and Surgical Camp. The camp was...
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Education-CBC implementation status

Teacher Magdalene Onweso, undertakes a Mathematics lesson with grade 2 pupils at Kegati DEB Primary School in Kisii County on...
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Special economic zones (SEZs)

The International Finance Corporation (IFC) provided technical support through its Kenya Competitiveness Enhancement Programme (KCEP) to the Special Economic Zones...
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In Pictures: Toyota stamps authority at WRC Safari Rally – Day 4, 2022

FINAL RESULTS: 1. Kalle Rovanperä - Jonne Halttunen (FIN/Toyota) 3hr 40min 24.9sec 2. Elfyn Evans - Scott Martin (GBR/Toyota) at...
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